The year half of earth’s democracies stood still

Countries home to more than half the world’s population and accounting for more than 60% of global economic output go to the polls in 2024. Voters will face diverse political landscapes with varying degrees of electoral choice. Some countries going to the polls are established democracies, some are partly democratic, and some are authoritarian regimes with little real choice. Authoritarianism is triumphing in many countries. Some say the world has been in a „democratic recession“ for almost two decades.

The power of autocratic China has risen (Election in Taiwan). Pakistan is autocratic. India runs the risk of becoming autocratic. Vladimir Putin has throttled democracy in Russia. The re-election of Donald Trump, after his attempt to overthrow the result of the last US presidential election, would also be a decisive change in the world’s most influential democracy.

Keanu Reeves: The day the earth stood still, 2008, Martin Wolf, 09.01.2024, Karin Strohecker, 03.01.2024, Alia Shoaib, 02.01.2024