After more than 100 years General Electric (GE), the last original member of the Dow Jones industrial average, was dropped from the blue-chip index and replaced by the Walgreens Boots Alliance drugstore chain. The removal of GE will formally occur June 26 and reflects a shift in the economic composition of the United States toward services, such as technology, finance and health care. After GE’s departure from the index, the company with the longest presence in the Dow will be Exxon Mobil, whose corporate predecessor, Standard Oil of New Jersey, joined the Dow in 1928, according to S&P Dow Jones Indices.
Anthony Zerbe, Charlton Heston: The Omega Man by Boris Sagal, 1971
handelsblatt.com, Andrea Cünnen, 20.06.2018
nytimes.com, Matt Phillips, 19.06.2018
finance.yahoo.com, 24.06.2018